Wow they hawe actuly working anatomy under that afull armour. Now am I actuly starting to like them. Just wondering abaute the size... //Essmir
Wow Woogity you're an amazing painter to that is like the best paint sheme I have seen on a Carnosaur //Essmir
Dwarfs have bugmans brewery. You can find a link in my signature
Hello lizards! What do you think of my wip? medium correl painter acrylic. [spoiler][/spoiler] //Essmir
Hello guys I just fond this on the webb and it apers to be the first salamanders in plastic(u know "in flesh" but they plastic? No body? Eh... eh?...
ok I am very late whit my ansver but as you ask I will ansver. the solder look very human it is hard to see under the armour but the way it is...
My biggest problem is the atatchment of the limbs it's like dollar store action figures a ball outside of the body. Ugh. If sombody is...
Ha I know it! And I don't know no body have seen it yet it it opens on monday.. And ye I will start a tread in the tempel of Artzafartzi :D //Essmir
Well I arive back to lustria agien, a litle bit late as usual. And what do I see?!?! Me? Me! placing third in a wrighting competition? Scalanex...
Thiss iss real art! NO lizard have done it before you Otzi' like pi'ca'sso's cubism and Kazimir Malevitj black square have you created something...
Well I think you missed on the timing dear Crow ;)
[ATTACH] Well I only have this pice whit me and it might or might not be on the exebition.
Well rhigt now am I on a 10 hour car tripp so I have plenty of time to chatt whit you guys. But it is only a short respise in the work for...
I am happy that the great plan of artzafartzi finally have come to the greater knolege of the Temple citys population. Thank you Bob for hosting...
I will have a hard time to enter this time can't rely come up whit a story for my theme :( //Essmir
Welcome barby! You seemss tho have seteled in quite fasst :) //Essmir
Really nice I like the grey on the kroxigors and cold ones wery realistic and stil intresting. //Essmir
I wold say ixi grubs for all of them, thank you moderators! //Essmir
Välkommen till Lustria online! I know that the swedich north is cold rhigt now but you will finde out that lustria is far warmer and as crowsfoot...
Congrats to the winnerss!! And I must say that I am happy that I placed so good in the competition and want to thank thoes ho voted on me :)...