I thougth it was artists that would post in this tread? Why by Sotek's spit so long posts!? Well to not go of topic I think more restrictive...
I don't have a build (as I don't have enough miniatures for an army and no Sauruss) but I througt the oldaladin from the 8ed was intresting and I...
Okay let me be the first to confess my sins in the gaze of Ssotek First I am not a skaven I am a norse that have mutated to a lizardmen thats...
I voted for invented because I think it's cheap whit real life prehistoric animals in a fantasy world that also have modern animals, I'm fine whit...
The new official sstormcast ethereal game T-sshirt [ATTACH]  //Essmir
Well I will compete whit a lizard the picture was to show that some people that are bad sculptors also is in the competition. So more people dare...
I have not anounced it earlier but I want to partake, the sculpt have been started but it would be nice to get those extra days. And for every...
Cool segodon it will be wery intresting to see were you go whit it, I'm planning on useing toy dinosaurs in my army to so it will be nice to se...
"I have to protekt my banna (he was a monkey before he became sigmarine)"
Well I have a idéa for the croxisaur hero. First I want to say that we already have a good mage hero and a good combat hero, so rely we wold not...
This picture have been posted earlier on the forum. It's shows Dracothion in the backround behind sigmar.[img] //Essmir
It does atleast not work on Android, did just tesst it, :( //Essmir
I rely agree that lustria online is something speciall. Even tho I just have a few lizardmen miniatures and a complete army of dwarfs I spend most...
How many hours are left? I am still writing 8/ //Essmir
Sorry but what in the name of Sotek iss a sylleby? //Barbaric norse
Can I help whit the art? //Essmir
Witch program do you use to make you're miniatures? I am currently studying CAD work and througt of making my own miniatures but Inventor that we...
[img] @Rikard here is some art I found on there blogg [img]
I feel more like a skink young fit and quick througt. :) but I am fifth generation so I guess it is usyall. Or slanns discriminate skinks ;) //Essmir