Oo, power armour lizards! That'd be cool. Get on it, GW!
It does but it dominates in melee. Think of it all like Pokemon types, different army builds have strengths over certain other builds and...
I wouldn't use the Sunblood, the Astrolith Bearer will do his job far better in a defensive army and affects more than just Saurus. Not having the...
Yeah the Astrolith Kroakbomb is powerful enough as is, an additional 15" range would be cruel.
Honestly it's the main reason why I play Fantasy exclusively instead of dipping into both, that last part anyway. I was given a Blood Angels army...
We had powergamers in 8th and they could be pretty bad, but they all left with AoS's advent and were replaced by more social players. Which I...
I half agree with this, I think that we can do both the lists and the synergy.
Always said the Slann has more utility, wish I'd realised AV was this good sooner.
I want to get into 40k but this right here's what's stopping me. AoS has spoiled me with its free downloadable rules, I should have gotten into it...
And people keep saying that Kroak is objectively better.
The Thief of Time spell from the Mount Kronus ToW ruleset it particularly nasty for this Vassal tactic. 18" range, pick an enemy unit, that unit...
I find it most useful in the Time of War rules where you get insanely OP spells for all your wizards.
Worth noting as well that when you factor in an Astrolith's spell range boost, an Arcane Bolt through a Vassal will have a 41" range. And they say...
Problem there is we're a one-wound infantry army, we still need to pile in to maximise our attacks and the more people we get in attack range, the...
Though that said, Tempestors and a Lord Relictor would be aces in any army army because they can afflict enemies with a -1 To Hit modifier each....
Honestly I don't feel like any armies can properly support us, at least as well as we support ourselves. If you want cross-army synergy, having us...
"Arcane Vassal: Before a Slann Starmaster attempts to cast a spell, you can pick a vassal to channel it; this can be a Skink Hero or Troglodon...
Yes, they are.
I think it would depend on the kind of opponents you'll be up against. If your enemies often field high armour, take the Salamander. Light armour...