Oh yeah they will disintegrate, Forest Gobbos are terrifying and eat Save armies like it's nothing.
Its its use in scenarios like these knights that convince me that Curse of Fates is the best spell in the game. Funny that I thought it was awful...
Yeah, Chameleons can be extremely deadly in even a small number. They're ideal for almost any size army really.
Can't wait for the report.
I'm legit impressed by your tactics there, lad. Using the corner to your advantage like that was quite clever.
We're extremely glad we could help. Also Blastoise sounds like an absolute badass, reminds me of my lovely little laser turtle Apricot.
There's no one set order, you should choose your spells based on the scenario you're in. Daemons? Light of the Heavens is great to stop their...
You could, but never make the summoning attempt the focus of your casting because it's long odds. Only try to summon the beastie if you have a...
Well then that's not enough to get another monster, so just stick to the Basi. At least 33% of your Wounds should be spent on infantry, so that's...
Well how many monster Wounds do you have to play with now?
Kroak's really only built for heavy defense armies where he can abuse Celestial Deliverance and where an Astriloth Bearer can offer the +1 to...
My crowning Chameleon moment was when one managed to defeat 40 Plague Monks in melee. They charged, killed all but one in the unit, but that one...
Hm... if you bumped up to 50, could you get any more Hero wounds? A Starseer, for example?
Hm... if it's only 30 Wounds, you're going to be rather limited on how much synergy you can bring... for the most part, I reckon tactical synergy...
What models do you have available? Tell me everything you have. Also don't mix armies outside of themed armies, you trade away synergy and...
Well my next army can be on Knights, and Angel can give an overview on the unit as an individual unit in his Tactics thread.
Well yeah the Steggie can get injured, but there are ways to counter this. Killing those dangers before they cause any damage is my MO, but...
That's fair. Personally I just resonate a lot with heavy defensive armies. The only reason I played Lizards instead of Dwarfs when I started was...
Originally I just copy/pasted something else, then wound up trying to rewrite it. Hence all the Lastly lines. Ah well. Why don't you like Skink...
Honestly I'd say just get it from the GW. Supporting the Workshop can be a good thing.