Ah, I'm sorry. I meant to be more neutral about this, but past experiences with a lot of people misunderstanding basic principles and then...
But it really doesn't, some of the most devastatingly powerful tactics I've seen don't rely on Saves. Using just Seraphon as examples, there are...
Sorry for the double post, but that's a really good way of doing it. The Stegadon is a good example. It's 2 Wounds cheaper, allowing you to give...
Me murdering the Slann. Alternatively there is one balancing system that I like which says "you can't summon what didn't start on the field." So...
Sup? Name's Bainbow, I speak for da Age of Sigmar. Very nice to see a 9th player approach with an open mind, that's all we would ask. We don't...
Don't think it's broken, but the bone is bruised at the very least and it's swollen to all hell to the point where I can't use half of my fingers...
I have a list of questions that really stand out about this to me. -Why are you limiting general Warscrolls? How do they factor in to balance?...
I don't like it. Perhaps I'm just too jaded, but balance systems that use algorithms tend to be far too robotic and distant to really judge a...
You need monsters, especially if you're using the short-ranged Javelins (I use boltspitters for the range.) If it's a smaller game, then just a...
Well if Angel's doing Warriors, I may as well do Guard. After all, I do run a guard army. Saurus Guard In an ironic twist, just as how Warriors...
Thanks, pal. I crushed my hand recently so I've been unable to do major typing, thanks for picking up the slack there.
My Fyreslayer army that I debuted today has what's basically "pick some nearby units for rerolls to Saves." My Stormcast run 2+ Saves with rerolls...
What armies are bring played by the people making this criticism to you?
Nah, I'm too much of an idiot to be usually right. :D
The Seraphon are basically memories given form, after all.
Oh no, it's not allowed to have cloak and trappings. That description specifically forbids it, it's either cloak and starbolts or trappings.
Skink Priest's rather weak, actually. Granted "weak" in AoS roughly translates to "really powerful but not insanely powerful," but he only has a...
Well I did finish my 75 Wound Fyreslayer army today. Don't care if they're not a death cult anymore, time to atone for my shame!
I think I'll need to take a Slayer Oath out of shame ... Lizards can grow mohawks, right?
On the other hand, counting him as 10 Wounds is too much because he can die from only half of that if you're unlucky. I see the 50% chance to heal...