If you can, not all armies will give you that breathing room. Beastmen in particular.
Didn't see this one, sorry. If he's going defensive, then Liberators are his best friend. They do basically no damage, but they just won't die....
If you want to break a defensive army, you're going to need some Line Breakers, things that can break down defensive lines without too much...
Makes me glad I picked Lizardmen.
Damn, I need to pick up my slack.
Thing is we nearly went the same way as the other forums when AoS dropped, but a couple of us just defended the game which caused the would-be...
I can't take all the credit there, I theorise about lore a lot with a friend of mine.
Well reading the Realmgate Wars books, we're going into verdant forests filled with dryads and treemen, and there's not an elf in sight. A far cry...
Alright that sounds like a well balanced Bret army. When you said all knights, I thought you meant nothing but knights.
You could also grab a Balewind Vortex to summon.
Honestly those lists sound quite weak, I'm willing to bet that they took those list thinking "let's get the most powerful units and spam them"...
Actually I think that's only part of the beauty of the game. The real beauty, I think, is that you can build whatever cool army you want (like my...
I endorse this.
Sweet. Defense has always been my style, my two main armies (Seraphon and Stormcast) both take the defensive tactic.
If you don't want Nagash for Vampires, Arkhan is a good substitute.
1) All armies in the game are competitive, there are no tiers in the game. 2) Effective Knights rely largely on their battalion and once they die,...