I have no problem with a human being subordinate to a cute fuzzy animal. However, in this case the human is wearing a uniform that says...
"You said there would be a salmon in here!"
Doctored photo, no rock can defeat a mighty panda.
You wish you could be like a panda.
After the tigers evolved enough defenses, pandas stopped preying on tigers and switched to preying on bamboo. It runs a lot slower and fights...
There's nothing our handsome moderator cannot index.
There is a huge difference between a tamed animal and a domesticated animal. I don't want to get too political but I am strongly opposed to...
Or in this case, his OUTER Skaven. Get me some bamboo AND cheese. [IMG]
The Red Devil is more akin to the Architect than the Merovingian. Me? I'm the de ja vu cat.
I see what you are implying. [img]via Imgflip Meme Generator
Why are you roping me into this. I am NOTHING like Scalenex. I am furry not scaly, and I don't do editing. It's hard enough to type my own...
That depends. Is one of the main cast members afflicted with the virus? If that's the case than any doctor is guaranteed to succeed. If Ensign...
Sometimes even at our...
For centuries historians have speculated on the the true nature of the one called "Scolenex." Who was he (or she)? What was Scolenex's...
Bing Crosby you uncultured Philistine! Kids these days aren't raised with the classics anymore. [MEDIA] Of course the best children don't grow...
There is a reason why the CCP is reluctant to let international medical aid societies into their country to help. That reason is this. I...
Joey is just happy to see his face. The bird is checking the book for factual errors sort of like when Sinbad found out Wikipedia reported he was...
Scalenex has an alter ego? I'll keep an eye out for him or her...