Sadly, it's the fact that Asiatic Black Bears have cool things on their chest that feeds superstitions about them. Habitat destruction doesn't...
[MEDIA] It is beyond the comprehension of most humans to understand where humans come from. It would involve going deep into metaphysics and...
[img]via Imgflip Meme Generator
@Scalenex seemed to miss something important. By Game of Thrones reckoning, these would be wights. By D&D reckoning they would either be...
Archaeologists and Paleontologists still have a lot of unanswered questions about the pre-contact dogs but recent evidence suggests that half of...
I believe the Austin Powers movies were based on deconstructing this very notion of a major zeitgeist change. That came out over twenty years...
How do you think Nightbringer would respond if wise and handsome Scalenex didn't sugar coat his criticism of George Lucas in the politest terms...
Cute and deadly. My favorite combination. Beware all kittens.
According to legend. You can accidentally make a potato chip. Supposedly a customer was complaining to a restaurant chef that his fried potatoes...
It's all for science so this video is not some obscene Nurgle/Slaanesh colaberation project. [MEDIA]
You know, if you were interested in having a backstory for an aquatic undead revenant with an endless hunger for living flesh and the full...
"Sobbing. I never heard so many people shout Yahtzee at once!"
[IMG] There is are two types of a clay like substance quarriable from the floor of the sea. They are very pliable but when mixed together they...
That's not horror /\ [MEDIA]
Or perhaps it will be short and concise so Lord Agragax can hide his author identity...
Look what came out just as you were pondering sea creatures... [MEDIA] I expect Scaraqua to have some pineapples under the sea.