[IMG] Deliver the bamboo to me alive....
I help generate views... Where is my sacrifice?
Now is not the time to be cute. [IMG] [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] They didn't even mention replacing the National Geographic lion model with a panda model!
Chris Rock said it best. The number one reason your woman is mad at you is because you aren't her first choice.
"Why are we fighting when we could be charging the human with the camera?"
Bah I think this contest theme is too restrictive! I mean yes, an alternate setting could involve Lizardmen in an environment they are not often...
Zefrank1 is best known for his True Facts series. Three or four of them were posted on this thread. [MEDIA]
I should make some comment about him disrepecting pandas but really Youtubers like zefrank1 and Tierzoo has set the bar high for comedy narrations...
Like this post! We owe him!
I just cleared 500 likes and got a new trophy. It's party time! [IMG] Thanks @Lizerd ! for me carrying me across the finish line. Now only...
[IMG] I award Killer Angel the Scolenex Cup for the cuddly wuddliest story. Honorable mentions to "Kroxigor's Magic" and "Two Strengths"
This is funny but it contains spoilers for Stars Wars a New Hope. I'm not sure everyone on this thread has seen that movie. [SPOILER]
We've been over this, you cannot like something twice!
There is a reference to protestors using lightsabers at the end of this video. Therefore it is on topic. [MEDIA]
"Stop laughing and cower before me! I'm ferocious! FEROCIOUS!"
I think we are good, the votes are divisible by three. The early voters tend to know the rules of what makes three votes possible.
[img]via Imgflip Meme Generator
Possibly. The reason some people believe MSG is really bad for you don't realize that the initial studies were sponsored by restaurant trends...