It's why I stopped playing my TK as I couldn't keep up with other armies. Don't get me wrong they had potential and I've seen some really well...
If you're ever in the States on the East Coast the welcome is there as well! The problem as I saw it was that they were judged based on how...
I loved most armies in 8th but too many people went with a netlist and it got old. I loved using my Wood Elves and the double flee rule! I was...
If you can get them to work for you then I applaud your skill. I couldn't but I'm no expert for 8th and Tomb Kings. I switched back to my Empire...
The thing about the stalkers is that they are decent against LM and a few other armies but against Elves or most mid-to high int armies they are...
You're thinking 6th edition. In 8th edition fear and terror are almost useless. A bit too strong in previous editions but without it Tomb Kings...
Hahaha! The marching didn't bother me in 7th as we were a surprisingly fast army with movement spells on so many characters. The ability to charge...
Pretty much everything you said is how I view our magic. I never take ushabti and stopped taking sphinx as they died far too easily and I couldn't...
I have...a lot of Tomb Kings so not any needed other than the Titan, what I would buy and would like is better Archers. The ones we have aren't...
There is that. I never expected the old minis back and if we did get some it would be later style models so not really what I personally was...
It's not being done well IMO as the initial hype got people excited but since then they have done little to nothing and the hype has died down....
I am not optimistic but wish I was. If for nothing else between this and Total War I've gotten some interest from my friends and have gotten in a...
It concerns me as FW hasn't been given the resources it needs to keep HH moving forward enough to build up interest in my area. While we are...
I recognized the avatar but didn't want to assume. I showed up here as I have started playing my Lizardmen again and tired of the old line "long...
I'd like to have the marketing dept the Slaan have, I'm not sleeping I'm meditating. Entire nation buy it! I'm more Tomb King, waiting in my tomb...
Part of why Dreadfleet didn't live for longer than a few months in my area. They hype was that we were seeing Manowar return and when that wasn't...
I would love to have amazing rules. The models tend to be hot or cold for me now adays and as I have so, so many, I don't need to...
I've wanted to build that for a while, the just got the part back in stock. I don't have the parts for the arms and scales/staff...I'll figure...