That was rather hilarious.
Who else but Steve?
No seriously what the what!
So much joy at hearing the ribbing of the fantasy armies. I still love my 6th edition Tomb Kings and Wood Elf books.
Seems legit.
New Scooby doo show with no Scooby-Doo. The world has gone mad.
Welcome! Mighty impressive that you translate rules, it might be one of the biggest bits of work in the hobby. There is a lot of inspiration here,...
Happy New Year lads and lasses! Hope everyone has a great year.
I really feel this one.
Should be a Blood Raven and after the hat...
Quotes for accuracy.
Have to agree.
Amusingly enough I've been on a kick to actually paint all the unfinished and unstarted minis I own. Needless to say there is a lot. Was going...
I have some of those ginger brutes! War on Christmas Village is a fun range sadly haven't been able to get the full collection.
But surely it will reach the pinnacle of lore correct and well acted story as that... "amazing" Wheel of Time series?
As long as it's not how Amazon did that train wreck called Rings of Power...
I feel your pain, one of the things that turned me off of AoS was the lack of my beloved Tomb Kings. Solid story of a character that definitely...
Bwahahhaha! Reminds me of 7th edition and my IG.
I miss Sammy Davis Jr.