There really isn't much in the Wood Elf list to best this character if on the disk. A true crap shoot as to beating him.
Well obviously.
I can actually see him saying this.
Both did wrong things and killed people due to their decisions. This was more the full number of total people killed was higher with Stalin. It's...
As we've seen the last few years the fsr left seems to be actively trying to erase women from the narrative. After decades of struggle in the USA...
I lost a lot of hope when one of my friends kids came home from college and told us that they had been asked who killed more people George W. Bush...
Well we always have the old stand by comment of "they were asking for it". Never ending idiocy of blaming the victim.
A long, long time.
I use a long thin nail painted black. Much stronger and less costly than more plastic rods. Just have to drill carefully.
That is actually inspiring. I'd love to play against that.
The fact that there is even a discussion on calling a pedophile anything other than a pedophile is part of the problem. I thought when we had to...
Amusingly I had a Great Aunt named Hortense although she went by Betty as she hated that name. For my beloved Tomb Kings to beat this I'd use a...
Those are some funny looking Tomb Kings...
It worked well in 7th IMO. The throwing of max dice in 8th got tiring but the other side of that was armies such as VC were able to single dice...
While some were better than other they all had downsides you had to play around. I liked them and only wanted a few of them to be better written...
Then my guess was correct and we have none of the keywords other than traitor or loyalist. As long as they don't keep adding reactions so it...
Not trying to be dumb just wanting clarity of your comment, what exactly do you mean by keyword? Is that an 8th or 9th edition thing? From what...
Sadly that will most likely be the case. GW seems to think that is what people want as every set of games they release has them. HH has some and...
If that unit hit anything else in my army would it mulch them? Yes. The single wide can last but you have combat res against you just with three...
Rereading your guide and got to the part where you mentioned Sleboda and his miscast luck. Is it only 60% on a 2d6? He always seemed cursed with...