[ATTACH] Those "far less interesting" armies are probably a lot more popular! :p Nothing wrong with being in the minority. The fact that the...
Thank you. The big hats were in the same boat as my Bretons and Beastmen no updates and too many other armies to compete with them. Sold all of...
Sadly sold my DoC and Dwarves. Only Mortals now.
Also Chaos...
I play Dogs of War, Empire, Tomb Kings, Skaven, Wood Elves, High Elves, Lizardmen, Dwarves and Mordheim.
I have no idea what you speak of. The noble race of Skaven is the strongest, bravest and most noble of all species. Such tactics would be beneath...
The Council of Thirteen would like to disagree with you on that matter. Skaven make excellent slaves and food. Even man-thing meat is less...
I finally sold mine a few years ago and while a regret it once and a while they needed more love than I was willing to put I to the paint job.
I know, I'm teasing but really hate not seeing them. If for the models alone I love that army the most.
Still no Dogs of War...
True, true but usually the Dogs of War are going to insane prices and people don't go down. It's a still a good idea and I will try it. Asarnil...
Trust me I know! I have a source for many of them but the Dragonlord is tough. Need to find old horses as well as I have a few Al Muktar but no...
Hahahaha! It is right now sadly. If the new version of Fantasy starts the community again then possibly. As it is I haven't had a game in over a...
Now, sadly not the case 15 years ago when I was trying to build the army. The only things I kept were the bolt throwers for my greenskins.
It was always strange that they didn't for so long. In my group we had a chaos dwarf player and I started one until I saw how pricey hobgoblins...
So the chances go down I'll still hold out for them.
That would be amazing. We have three elven armies don't see why we can't have three human armies.
Thanks! I honestly doubt we will ever see a return other than possibly in the computer game. I won't give up hope but the odds are against it...
This kind of opens a barrel of comments and thoughts I've had on this army but I will try to no wander from the original questions. My favorite...
Well to quote the animated version of the Hobbit. "Kill the men, kill the elves, save the gold for ourselves." Inspired words indeed.