Well I can't argue with your comments. The Dogs of War are my favorite models by far and it still irks me that I didn't see the writing on the...
Sadly true. I used the Warhammer Armies Project for both 7th and 8th edition and was happy. I actually went through my army today and had a moment...
The fact that Dogs of War aren't even on the list shows how far they have fallen
The pain! The pain!
That hurts me just hearing it! My mother had almost sold my magic cards on me when I moved out. Fortunately I visited and saw them on the pile of...
10k of Dogs of War is about four units... I kid, I kid! That is painful but I respect that you were able to deal with real world hell by selling...
Thank you! I don't need any greenskins right now as I have... a lot of them already. There are many more armies that need my attention as most are...
Sorry for double post. Those look solid, 25 for 27€ is a decent price. GW would charge 37€ for ten! I only want 100 or so... to add to my 300 odd...
Same for me starting MTG! I was offered a Black Lotus for $200 and thought the guy crazy! Now I think I was crazy!
That is sad. I had to sell a bunch of stuff when my wife lost her job including one of the original run Warhound titans. I have only the few...
Dogs of War are in the good luck and kiss your wallet goodbye. Not surprising as the army was squatted years and years ago. It still annoys me...
I haven't started any new armies as that would cause a divorce even though I'd love a 4th Wood elf army to complete the 4 season theme I've worked...
I'd do that. To get the scorpions and my beloved tomb swarms back in the sands I d give that up.
I can't fault the logic the only two things I'd add to this is being able to charge when emerging from entombed as otherwise it's almost useless....
Not to add anything constructive, I miss the Scorpion Armour. Being able to ignore half the combat res effectively and my character only taking...
One of my friends used to play a lot of online shooter games and the level of vitriol heaped on him was scary. He had a 13 year old kid from Texas...
They are definitely good as heroes on wolves.
That's a really good reply. I usually have to choose which group I play with to be competitive or casual. I love making new lists but depending on...
They are nice but look more like goblins than hobgoblins. I'd have to see the wolves with a different paintjob.
By this I assume you had your army painted for you? All good as long as there is some care and not all grey. I have friends who can't paint well...