If you add all those things then yes it would be over the top. I was commenting on adding 6 toughness only, you're changing the narrative by...
I just wish that whoever made the army list loved the army and knows the rules. I'm not looking for over the top, I just want the rules to work....
Changing the random heroic killing blow would also be nice. I don't need much to make me happy, I played TK in 7th and was happy and they were...
Tyranids and deamons were immune to poison and a few other effects back in 2nd edition of 40k. While I agree to the point that we shouldn't change...
Or making them not be auto wounded by poison...
While they aren't my top favorite army I do love my Empire. The mix of crazed lunatics and guns, magic with a delightful sprinkling of horse...
Honestly the toughness was not an issue in 8th as everything wounds on a 6 and poison is everywhere. If you took the sphinx and brought them to...
As long as they don't make him a silly over the top model I love new Settra in plastic! Heck if they even make him playable I'd be happy.
Sorry for double post but on the subject of model I realllllllly want Khemric Titan is also on the top of my list.
Whenever I use my Tomb Kings and see how much better their spells are written for this edition I get more depressed about the army book.
Tomb King Heirotitan
I am excited by the fact that they aren't going to rebrand old armies with silly AoS names. Orcs are going to be Orcs and not Orrucks! I honestly...
But if it was FW we could possibly get that Titan from Storm of Magic! Otherwise I know they aren't going to say anything but it's how I feel....
I really hope GW starts to do some damage control as most of the people in my area have already stopped caring about this future release. On a...
The only full army if I remember correctly was for Warmaster. Other than that we got slim pickings for any information or units.
I don't care for the larger and larger scale increases. I prefer the closer to actual scale in things like the Dogs of War. Heroic Scale isn't bad...
The Dogs of War were the main units of basic types, Pikemen etc. The Regiments of Renown were the named character units. Not all were great or...
Dogs of War are my favorite models so that would be a plus. Would love to see some sort of balance to things.
The Tomb Kings of Khemri site was amazing, there are still a few of us on there. I miss the community that AoS killed. Again I don't hate the game...
I meant I'd like to play with the people I talk to online to be able to play in real life. I didn't say that very well.