Lustria is first and foremost a theocracy in my mind. Theocratic governments subsume both the oligarchic (small groups of elites (Slann) control...
Dictator....Republic... is L-O a republic in the same sense that the People's Democratic Republic of Korea isn't?
I think it's a phoenix rising above a floral-esque crown. Something to convey imperialistic sentiment. Not at all awkward these days.
Hmm, I might have to ask you to have a go at clearing up my family emblem N810 :p
The enemy of your enemy is your friend only as long as that enemy exists ;) I can see a Death-Order arrangement to route out a larger Chaos threat...
And yet we had a Chaos Darkoath Chieftain doing exactly that in Silver Tower. If they can do that, then I'm sure they can think of a reason to...
To me it looks like a Vampire and not a Dark Elf. On top of that, we've got the High Elf Loremaster, an Ironweld Arsenal Cogsmith, and a Stormcast...
"February" £$TBC
The have bows on the end! They're most definitely fantasy-esque and not at all a cynical manoeuvre to further tap into the Space Marine aesthetic....
Not so fast, Starfox [ATTACH]
By aquarium plants I meant the plastic ones. Edited for clarity. Moss is a frequently used craft item - I made my mossy jungle over a decade ago...
This can also depend on who you're playing against. If you're lucky like me, then your regular opponents won't care whether the models have...
I made huge jungle scenery pieces using mostly: - cardboard - polystyrene - wire - fake aquarium plants - moss - pebbles/gravel Papier-mâché,...
My cartophile side gives this a massive thumbs up. I like how you kept aesthetic consistency with classic GW maps. I didn't think of an exact...
I knew it was Itzi-Bitzi, as I always thought he had a Pokah-Dot Bikkini #BringBack5thEd
Behind every Bloodthirster is a Blood thirstier
Amazing ? I'll put that quote in my tindr profile ;) All jokes aside, it's really nice to see cross-pollination of interests and inspiration. I...
Quite. Although GW either has an unhealthy addiction to fog machines or the Mortal Realms is seriously afflicted with bad fog.
Kairos Fateweaver. Ngl, I miss the fish from the old model. [img] Also, you can vaguely make-out alternative builds for the mundane LoC's in the...
Battlescribe is my preferred route, although it had trouble loading the AoS data files the last time i used it. As an alternative I used the...