Sounds a little Slaaneshi to me
I thought "chuckles" was acceptable: for me it came across quite evocative -I instantly heard a gentle, continuous splash of water as the ship cut...
They're not online! Apologies for leading you on ;)
What ending did you interpret?
I'm glad it did! The filling of the story was really the family drama, but is was the lizardmen's machinations that sandwiched the whole thing...
Most of my writing has been outside of L-O as it happens, although there's a lot of cross-pollination and migration between the two. Currently I...
Congratulations @Y'ttar Scaletail - I really liked the concept behind your piece. A lot of my author guesses were really off-mark this time -...
Kin and Master “Your brother’s in trouble. And I mean real trouble." “What’s he done now?” “Damn you. He’s your brother. There’s some very bad...
Who disturbs my slumber? I can't even return to haunting. How's that for freedom and slavery? Huh, my temple architecture really was repetitive....
I disagree with the above. The longest minute is the plank minute.
You upgrade your Pokemon using stardust (gained from catching Pokemon) and candy (gained from catching and transferring specific Pokemon.) You...
@spawning of Bob You're officially tagged. Caught in my ball you'll be stuffed in my pocket until the end of days a.k.a. when i wash my shorts...
There needs to be a potition to rename @NIGHTBRINGER as MEMEBRINGER
As a recovering rower and wannabe gym-bunny I get enough exercise. I need my eggs hatching dammit. Where's my Lapras already?! Saying that I...
The hatching mechanic uses both a pedometer and the phone's gps so this wouldn't work. Sadly :(
I don't understand the difficulty in the decision here [img]
Team Mystic represent. @NIGHTBRINGER I get the feeling you don't approve. [img]
I've not rebased any. They're still legal on squares. I may have already bought a Summoner, Ogroid, familiars, and Acolytes form the interwebs...
Unless explicitly discounted by GW (e.g., they bring out a new edition - even then those units can be used for any game using the relevant...