I mean a troglodon might also be a fine choice? Aquatic and has a bellowing roar, claw attacks and poison that sharks are known for. Other option...
I would probably use him as a chief or a champion/brave etc in a unit. Without swapping out the sword you're right he looks a bit out of place. I...
I love the striped crests on your saurus. Good luck with your project :)
I'm just trying to finish off my bastilladon, its coming along well :)
Never trust the base coats the layering makes or breaks it :P
OOo I love your brimstone horrors, you're really killing it with the silver tower minis. :)
Aww its ok you can do it, I put things down for a while after trying my carnosaur but you just have to get out that brush and try again!
Painting insecurities for all!
It's a bit over highlighted in places . I was just trying to joke about my insecurities while painting it. That's the finished thing with all the...
Tiny details that's my name! ... unrelated my painting desk needs a new lamp. I'm actually really liking it but I had these jitters all the way...
Oh gods, I hate this I've ruined it its awful its terrible I don't even know how to strip paint off of plastic ugh this is the worst thing I've...
Haha I'm building it with the ark which is a terrible choice because the crystal is head and shoulders above the ark I just love the model with...
You do a quick test in an hour or so and you don't realise how long its going to take on the full model :p. [ATTACH] So I went with the brown...
Thanks, I'm going with a blue skin brown scale combo that I hope works out. Fingers crossed :) (midway through the blue at the moment.)
The eyes of the great slann blink. It seems an eternity has passed, yet for the ancient slann it was but the blink of an eye. The new temple is...
I see someone really loved those carnosaurs! :P
\i have one of those lying around? :P nice box
Hopefully, I have my paints and some projects need to set up a new place to work.
Oh hey i have this guy ! :D
I have so fallen off the painting wagon.... I also moved this is my excuse.