And with that, and not much else, Ohmen had turned away from Drakk with a steady pace, one that would soon land him in the bakeries. Walking in...
Having walked a handful of paces, Ohmen turns to Drakk. "Listen, if we are really planning to go to places of our own accord. We must first...
Regarding Drakk’s comment with a nod, Ohmen motions for him to follow. Leading towards the market with a steady step and keen eyes. Eyes both...
"I am sure of your usefulness Shiro, besides, The more faces the better.." The traveller gives him a slight smile, continuing on. “Whilst you...
Nodding gently, Ohmen stands from his chair, giving his thanks the kobold. ‘Understandable. Thank you for these opportunities, for this reward,...
Turning around, Ohmen’s voice somewhat slits through the excitement, looking to those most eager, Drakk in particular. ‘Names are Powerful things...
“Become, Different beings.. That is what you are looking at my friend, And let's leave it at that for now.” Listening to the kobolds other words...
‘Why yes.. Isn’t that a familiar name…” Motioning towards him They take a seat, leaning back before reaching out to shake the Kobolds hand In a...
Seeing the sorrow in the kobolds eyes the traveller approaches, the look of sadness on her face telling more than words could… "duguð.. Scro...
Stepping closer the traveller ease’s the atmosphere with amiable talk and smiles… Ohmen normally had no patience for small talk. But this was not...
Replying to the kobold’s smile with one of her own, its nature soft and kind the traveller first waits for Drakk before approaching closer, the...
Nodding to Garutis with a smile the traveller responds slowly and calmly, hoping it would help their words get across to him. ‘Very well, I am...
Having been listening into the conversation, Ohmen see’s his time to step in, somewhat gracefully. “For now, I have little to prove in hunting...
Similarly, as before, the naivety in her voice is vacant, yet the soft tone and mannerism still remains. 'Too many drift through their lives...
Rather than leaning back, the traveller leans in, speaking soft flowing words. “To never take a book by its cover is wise. Wise Indeed Shiro…...
Looking towards the approaching figure Ohmen notions towards a nearby seat. ‘Yes, Yes shiro, Of course take a seat. Good morning, even with this...
And not a few moments after that thought passed, Garutis arrived into the tavern, lugging a large portion of his previous kill with him as he did…...
Awoken by the chitterings of early bird song, Ohmen gradually gets to his feet, watery eyes looking skyward to see a sky remaining in a strange...
Beautiful Indeed. My favourite part has to be at the two-minute mark.
Unfazed by the Kenku’s lack of books, the traveller responds. ‘Fair Enough… It was worth the shot, on the off chance you had any older unwanted...