Seeing that Garutis was nearing freedom, Wisdom makes their move, hopping over to the fresh-kill before plucking their beak around and into the...
Whilst Ohmen is back in the warmth and heavy atmosphere of the tavern, Wisdom can feel freedom on wings. Eventually, Shouting and commotion from...
Having given up roaming various market districts and searching the streets for the shop of his desire to no avail Ohmen heads back. As the...
Walking to the tavern’s door the traveller waves a sweet goodbye to those inside before moving out into the fresh air with a certain softness in...
Eugene’s words echoing within Ohmen looks toward the illithid… Free travel and hospitality… Perhaps this bond with garutis ran deeper and for...
Seeing the distressed man sit down the traveller takes a relieved breath and speaks. “Hmm, Call me… call me Ohmen.” The last word sizzles in the...
Amidst the commotion, and then exchanging of words in foreign tongue, Shiro cant help but feel the heavy gaze of Wisdom upon him. To the silent...
“Hm,... Its been a long day. Yes, I think I will take two portions of the vegetable stew, for… er what was it again 1 silver piece per? Just place...
It doesn't take long before Garutis is noticed, primarily from the commotion he brought with him, which only further added to the heavy...
Having sent Wisdom to inform the others Ohmen enters the tavern with one last breath of fresh air. Almost immediately he is consumed by its dense...
This ‘Eugene’.... Wisdom clearly had a certain ‘feeling’ about him, as did Ohmen. Regardless the changeling cared little, so long as it didn’t...
Whilst the others similarly enacted their trivial goodbyes and farewells Ohmen turns around and begins to walk. Each individual metallic sound of...
Despite what one would think it only takes a handful of seconds for Ohmen to gather all of his belongings and equipment. Upon the strap which...
Forced to steady himself Ohmen leans heavily onto his staff. The bones of his legs physically aching as the tremors from the enemy ship’s...
Whilst the chaotic burst of mystic flame that had been emitted by his staff fizzled off into the infinite blackness of the void Ohmen spoke aloud....
With tremors still rippling through the boat Ohmen clambers onto the deck, the light haze of dust kicked up from the mast’s impact swirling around...
His hand twitching and eyes bloodshot the changeling squints to make out the incoming raider vessel… Whatever they wanted from this crew, from us....
His form twisting and distorting with his anger Ohmen tucks himself defensively between several crates before reaching into the bag covered in...
Shoving a bolt into his crossbow Ohmen quickly rushes past the other crew members who had now desperately assembled on the deck, scrambling to...
Rushing out into the open Ohmen’s wide eyes dart around whilst Wisdom erratically swoops above the ship’s deck with rapid raucous squarks. Heavy...