Sunken into his chair Ohmen gently breaths in and out, the thick scent of sage circulating throughout his system filtering through his lungs and...
Search 'hang son doong (mountain river cave)' Its the largest cave in the world, I imagine it would very much replicate those found within Lustria
Reaching out with a hand Ohmen gently receives several bundles of Incense sticks in exchange for a small mound of golden coin. Whilst the ground...
Round one, Place your bets: [IMG] Vs [IMG]
“From herb and extract to ensorcelled wards which provide both protection against those unhallowed and warm blessings to the unwary. There is much...
Well I got the isle two-three months ago and can confirm it is an amazing game (Even with a few of its own flaws) And is also getting a complete...
I mean honestly, you could have a combination of the both, having the conditions of the queen (Like temperature, diet and stuff) affect which type...
I personally like what the comment is saying, I think it would make a lot more sense for the creatures to have variations through conditions (Like...
“Truly. May this tea’s effects allow sleep to come to me all the sooner, and with hope shadows beset me no longer.” His pale hands slightly...
Lately I have been working on the penultimate region of the 'Southern Expanses' - The Termontane Savanna's, Though whilst doing it I got caught up...
Whilst Ohmen sought out both herb and brew Wisdom was within her element. Surrounded by a desk of bracelets, beads and tassels. Each corner filled...
Having allowed the pouch of the pouch of berries to land softly within his hand Ohmen swiftly tucks them away into the embrace of his cloak before...
Somewhat slow to respond Ohmen brings a hand to where Wisdom would once sit. Thinking for a moment before talking, his voice crisp and cold like...
As Xolek reaches out he is dazed to see Xiuhcoatl lean into it, his hand perfectly aligning with the now faint mark upon her head, a mark that had...
Suddenly, Or rather eventually, considering the sheer amount of effort and time it took for the skinks, Quas is hoisted back into reality. As he...
Replying to the captain with a simple ‘And you?’, Ohmen had batted the question aside. Skipping over his answer before asking her much the same...
How underwhelming, I will attempt to fix it
Clearly distraught from the second Wisdoms cold eyes met with their own the captain was fast to act. wanting to get both bird and changeling out...
[IMG] Welcome fellow brother of the first! May Uxmac ensure your messages are received! And may Sotek the Serpent God bless you with safe travels...
“One hundred and eighty-seven.” The sound of another coin gently being placed upon another rings out. “One hundred and eighty-eight” again. “One...