This is the closest list to the ones I’ve been tinkering with. What is the role of the Starpriest in this list? I’ve found him to be great with...
Updated with the new Dread Saurian scroll.
This is awesome thanks Buddy! Just so you’re aware you are missing page 5! Must be the one with the ThunderLizard/Koatls Claw rules.
Hello my fellow lizards. Here’s a spreadsheet I made with all the new unit statlines, weapon profiles, monster damage tables, CCP table, Cosmic...
I think he means something else. So you activate it turn 1 to slow down time and use the extra spell. Then it comes back to your second turn and...
Thank you for your contribution to the community with this!
This looks great! All they need now is some headphones! Personally I’d like to hear about seraphon lists that have done well in recent...
The Errata is to a rule named Crimson Haze whereas the rule on the Bloodsecrator is called Rage of Khorne. So his aura is in fact 16”.
Unless they’re running Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage and then Outrageous carnage wipes out the screen behind the one it’s in combat with.
I bought some finecast flesh hounds to convert into hunting packs and they were fine however it was only the frills and one leg or two that I had...
So I stopped playing the hobby due to career around the time the eternity warden released. But before that I was an avid collector of all things...
I’d love a skink flying hero if that’s what you mean, but it would be disappointing if it was basically a minor adjustment to a cut and paste job...
Seriously, don’t tempt fate! In all honesty that would not surprise me in the slightest. It would be one of those “I can’t believe they’d do...
I’ve found any more than 5 to be cumbersome in most of my games. The poor buggers are just massively outdated. Even in a Firelance they’re not the...
Haha, could you imagine! That would be exceptional indeed.
Cold blooded was to help with what used to be battle-shock. I think this has carried over in the fact that all our units are leadership 10....
This is my main concern as my Opponent will be running 4 BT of Insensate Rage. Best case 1 or 2 will still get into combat and due to them flying...
In theory, last time I didn’t manage to kill it in one go with both Basties. Although you only get the rerolls to wound from the second turn...
How would this list fare against a Khorne list with 4 Bloodthirsters? Thunderquake would be my go to list against it but I’m not sure if I could...
So I got hold of some strip wood and added a border to each tile. I used some filler to smooth over the gaps between the styrene and the wood....