I’ve been running a list similar to this. I’m not running a Skink Priest and in exchange I am running 9 Terradons instead of 6 Rippers. It has...
I would highly recommend @LizardWizards ‘Priority Targets’ thread stickied at the top of the ‘Seraphon Tactics’ page. It should give you a decent...
Another update. Been busy with birthdays and work but here’s what I’ve managed to get done in between. I have finished moulding the river with...
So just a quick progression update! Used some decorators caulk to stick the styrene tiles to the MDF tiles. [ATTACH] Next I started to cut out...
So finally got to work and went a purchased some MDF board and some styrene sheets! Cut them into 6 2x2’ tiles. I also bought some decorators...
How do you conduct deployment with the DT with SS list to ensure your Slaan has the most amount of protection from being targeted at range. Also...
More basic drawings. [ATTACH] Temple to consist of 9 layers total decreasing by 1” per increment. Each of the first 8 layers to be 1” thick...
Thanks! Yeah I can foresee it taking some effort. Although I've never done a board before, or even built terrain for that matter, I tend to get...
I’ve already started my battle standard/astrolith, but I’m definitely taking some of you’re creative influence and trying my own skink priest on...
Okay, when I said basic designs, I meant it! [ATTACH] Obviously (I hope) the blue line is the water feature. This will only be shallow and I’ll...
Haha! I have a blot toad that a have mocked up as a mini Slaan sat in a palanquin! I could sub that in :woot: Soon to be joined by the...
Thanks for the tip. That’s some seriously good looking terrain and a fantastic army with tonnes of character and unique conversions! I’ll try do...
This is all really incredible! Very inspiring, I especially love your custom battle standard bearer and coatl priest, looks fantastic.
So as the title may suggest I am planning on creating a Lustrian themed gaming table and using this thread to record my progress and maybe get...
This actually made me laugh out loud, if I could like it twice I would! :D
I’m more interested in what the chameleon skinks do or don’t do differently to the regular skinks. The way it’s put in the article suggests that...
Yeah I completely understand. I’ve had the same with my local opponent as we are both recently returning to the hobby with AoS. He’s plays Khorne...
I think your Khorne opponent needs to look at how blood tithe points work properly. You get a blood tithe point for each “unit” destroyed, not...
Could anyone in the WhatsApp and/or discord send me an invite link? Thanks!
I hope you’re right! I’d love if they did do a satyr/centaur themed army. I’ve only got my lizardo boys and apart from that a few models here and...