I was thinking of offering something similar. I don’t have much experience playing the units but I could write up a basic description of the ones...
The helpful part of the thread? If you left the thread alone after only doing what you’ve done so far for each faction then it would still be an...
This is all awesome news dude! Will also deffo add the interview to my ‘to watch’ list :happy:
Hope the hip is more than on the mend! Just wanted to say how much I admire you’re work! So very talented indeed. I know you said it’s not talent...
I’ll unfortunately I have no skinks in my list for this tourney as I haven’t rebased my 100 skinks so I’m using Knights for my battleline due to...
As a recently returning player to the game I can vouch for how fun Lizards are to play! We are not amazing at any one thing, apart from maybe...
They still have to deal wounds to my units before they get enough points to summon more heroes? Also once the KoS has been dealt with is it not...
Yeah that seems the way forward. My list I’m taking to the tourney has a Basty, Steggy, 3 Razors & 3 Sallies so a fair amount of shooting....
Thanks, so basically the chosen unit(s) can’t be chosen to pile in and attack until all other units have done their attacks in that combat phase....
Thanks for all the replies gents. Also could I get a clarification on how Slaaneshes “Locus of Diversion” works? Does the target unit fight...
Ahh that actually makes a lot of sense now! So IJ will tend to run multiple Warchanters then to stack this buff? Wow, 80pts each is cheap and 6...
Oh damn! :confused: Clearly I can’t read when I’m tired. That is indeed a lot better than just rerolling 1’s. Although my question still stands as...
Why is the Warchanter the top priority? From the warscroll all I can see it does is give reroll 1’s to hit for 1 unit in combat per turn which...
Took my scaly boys to a doubles game, at Warhammer World itself, with my buddy playing SCE and our opponents playing DoK and Free Peoples. Each of...
Verminlord Corrupter links to - AKHELIAN MORRSARR GUARD Without a doubt! It’s already been invaluable as it’s exactly the kind of thing I need...
His SCE list had: 2 x Ballista 2 x 5 Liberators 1 x 5 Evocators 3 x Leaders, Incantor? Guy who could relocate a unit every-turn on a 3+, maybe...
Thank you so much for this! This will be such an invaluable resource that players new and old can come back to check time and time again! The...
He will be playing Stormcast. I’m not sure what the local meta is as we are having to travel a few hours away so could be anything. The Priority...
I’m preparing to go to a doubles tournament in a few weeks. However I’ve only actually played 7 games of AoS so far since my return to the hobby...
Yeah, I ended the game with 20 points so I was happy with that. I’ve come to understand that AoS isn’t the most intuitive game, and it was quite...