So just got done with a 1000 point game Vs Khorne. The Battleplan was Shifting Objectives. Before each battle round roll a D3 and on a 1-2 Obj 1...
As I’ve exclaimed before you’ve done an amazing job with this application. I doubt you foresaw the kind or arms and legs your pet project would...
I don’t think it would break our army. The points costs of our better behemoths restrict us anyway but it would be cool to take an underpowered...
@PabloTho - The sub alliances would be a great idea but could this not more simply be solved by more battalion options? You could have a battalion...
One can hope! I definitely agree with you on the lore, I mean why couldn’t they have just brought the spawning pools with them? Or created new...
Maybe not but it’s fun to speculate, and it’s not out of the realm of possibility. They need to do something with our hunting packs as they really...
Being a 1st Ed Battletome I’ve seen some discussion such as the blot toad mechanic being outdated and not really in the direction GW are taking...
Personally, as a WHFB player previously where blocks of saurus could stand toe to toe with chaos warriors and black orcs, the AoS iteration of...
In the GHB19, if I’m reading it correct, states that only battleline units can be double sized in your main body as part of a meeting engagement....
Skink Starpriest [80pts]: 1. Master of Star Rituals, 3. Gryph-feather Charm, 4. Meteoric Convocation, General Bastiladon [280pts]: Solar Engine...
Yeah he came to that conclusion eventually once I pointed that out and asked him to read LoSaT carefully. I was just using it as an example of his...
Have you thought about making an iOS/Android app for this? EDIT: Either way, enjoy the beer tokens!
Thanks, just thought I’d make sure. Damn that thing hits hard! Especially with the 8” area effect.
Thanks for the clarifications! Last one I promise! ;) Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage, does it get stronger as it takes more damage or get...
Firstly can I say how awesome this tool is! Thank you so much for making this it’s amazing! Not sure if it’s intentional but the stardrake/aeon...
We did have a look in the GHB19 and it didn’t mention the old command abilities, only the new ones under ‘Pitched Battles’. Although if you know...
Thanks! Is this written down anywhere? I wanted to re-roll my charge with sunblood and was told that those particular CA had been replaced by new...
Perfect, I thought that’s how it read in the ‘Picking Targets’ section of the core rules but my opponent seemed to think otherwise. Also are the...
So, I have a Sunblood in combat with 2 separate heroes. Can I declare that I want to bite one of the heroes and hit the other with my hand weapon?
Could I also have an invite link to both the WhatsApp and Discord please.