An interesting video, thanks. All good points I hadn’t considered.
Yes a town takes up a set area and all the people need food. That food comes from an area many times larger than the area of said town. And that...
Yes it has some unique creatures, but nothing unusual for the lochs is my point. It’s not over- or under- populated compared to the other lochs....
Ok, let’s say you’re right, it is a plesiosaur, a couple of simple questions: 1) what does it eat? A creature that big needs to consume a lot of...
SuperClean is one that I was looking at. LA’s Totally Awesome is also supposed to be good. Dollar General has that for $3 a gallon, will have to...
Now that’s more to think about. Was debating between simple colors, contrast, or color shifting paints. May have to buy all and see what feels right.
They say a journey begins with a single step, it then follows that an army begins with a single unit. Just got in my first rescue from eBay. Now...
Oh, sure, that's a totally valid way to play. It just helps me with immersion to have the model be what it is. WYSIWYG and all that. I may pick...
<Googles "finecast"> Yes, I am that new and completely missed that reference. Ok, good to know. Have to be careful with what I get. I appreciate...
Thanks, I saw that. Right now it may be a bit beyond my skills, and I just bought one off of eBay for ~$18. The real pain is going to be the...
Ok, so rebase anything on squares, got it. If worst comes to worse I can always 3d print out a few and go from there. I do know there is a new...
Well, that was fast! Ok, all good tips, thanks. What about those with square bases? Get and just rebase if possible? Or is that more of an...
Hopefully this is in the right place. I'm looking to get into the hobby, but I must admit that shelling out ~$800 for new models for a 2000 pt...