Well, hard to say. I think as far as a game it gets a 3. Not something I will find myself playing often. And not something I think I'll enjoy....
It's a really good idea. Considering the state of the game, now is a pretty good time for such a thing. But I think you should tailor the spells...
Well there are two ways to approach it. Rules as written (RAW) and Rules as Intended (RAI). I try to play rules as written as much as possible,...
How can I pick just one!? If I had to pick one, it would have to be a theropod. And I would have to say my favorite theropod is Carnotaurus....
That's the constancy they are new. Use a tooth pick or a stippling brush and water them down.
I didn't want to compare the game to 8th like that. But since I wasn't the one to open that box, I will. I do want to say, as I said earlier, 8th...
Yeah. I knew I've seen the style before, bipedal with sail. I just didn't place it or realize it was literally modeled off the yin to the T-Rex's...
Nice find. I never noticed that the Jurassic Park style Spinosaurus looks so much like a Trogladon. That is kind of disenchanting now that I look...
For someone who has played enough AoS, the eye ball test is probably a better balance system than the points system in 8th. How many times did you...
Wow, that is very cool. I feel like there is a batman model under all that green stuff and not a lizard.
Agreed. Hoping for something I could field regularly. Although I would likely buy a forgeworld model sized like n8s. lol. please no. D:
OMG. Why do I even bother browsing the web. All the best stuff is right here at lustria online. Guess which one made me LOL. I laughed...
Isn't that how we'd all prefer it to come anyway? Good find! +1 AND it's double sided!?
No. Never seen one. It's not exactly a bad thing though. And It's not uncommon among quality or luxury products. The idea behind it is simple....
My choice would be a Sauropod. They're in the top 3 most well known dinosaurs. It's maddening that we don't have one. They were the most...
Yeah. Since my first post, I have pretty much retired 8th in my mind. "It's over now" I think were my exact words. I pretty much accepted AoS as...
I hear a lot about using our models as proxies in other games. I know it's not an optimal situation. But it doesn't sit well with me at all. I'd...
I very much fear this. Harry is never wrong from what I've read. :(
Warning: A long time coming Rant. It's been building for a while now with all this end times non sense. I just hit my limit. Did I hear that it's...
Wait, Harry said that Lizardmen were not going to be supported any longer? That's news to me. Is this true!?