Thread hijacked for AoS nicknames. D:
Too funny.
Gotta say, the best of your work. I'm a big skink lover. Esp skink chiefs. So I love this!
I guess I should revisit the skink head. Really dreading that though. I don't think I made 40. It's possible. It's all a blur happening more than...
The best nick names I have heard for AoS so far has to be, "Wahammer: New Coke" and "Warhammer: Age of 40k". Not to jump on the AoS hate wagon,...
I did mean my current skill level. I am pretty optimistic. But. I have to say I am way beyond "attempt 6" and my sculpt work hasn't reached table...
More than anything, I'd like to see progress on your stegadon if any has been made. Reason 1: As much as I want you to continue to make original...
This is how I'm feeling. Cost for me includes both money and time. I do like GW books though. Yay for me. Pretty pictures.
I'm not sold that a points system is the answer since, the actual value of a unit varies depending on what is across the table from it. I feel an...
It really is new. Never before was I able to say unit A inflicts 10 wounds on average. And unit B inflicts 6 wounds on average. I should bring...
No. I'd never field them like that even if I did. Although I almost do have five. I have a conversion I painted and use exclusively. I have two...
Me and My friend met up at our local hobby shop to play our first ever AoS game! To be completely honest, I had no expectations at all. I haven't...
I'd love to see either of you two make a slann! The alternative forge world model is so popular, yet no one ever seems interested in sculpting...
I was hoping for more like str 5 or 6 and D3 wounds. Sounds rational to me. As for hitting both, I'd say if it lands directly on the model. I'm ok...
My biggest complaints are S10 and D6 wounds. Sure cannons shouldn't be that accurate either, but you are telling me that basic cannons are S10?...
Mine's tongue did indeed break off first time I transported him. :(
That would be great! Hand full of them I've found useful here already. One on eyes floating around. And freehand scales(not that i can actually do...
Must have. Remind me of the new Godzilla.
Using the woodland scenic products? I was asked for tips on how to use this product via mail...
The skrox unit all together looks really nice. Really good color choices. Bright fits the Lizardmen. And the krox still looks darker and crocodile...