Is this supposed to end in a question or is the "no more no less" still up in the air? Also, the numbers start going down after "6." I assume...
Why bring a ton of heroes if it's the only way for your opponent to collect points? Why not bring one hero and a bunch of stegs for impact hits...
I'm very excited about this for my stegadon list which i couldn't fit the 2 heroes I wanted....
Holy crap! I would have to say return that bottle if you can or get a new one! I use the woodland scenic products all the time, both realistic...
I'd change his base, But I don't think you need the new model at all. In fact I prefer the old model at this point. I do wish it was a bit larger,...
I am looking forward to 9th as well. I started playing at the start of 8th and can't believe the amount of inconstancy and unclear wording. Since...
Click his link. The only issue is the Great weapon has the +2 str. Here, the model has the Multiple Wounds special rule. Which isn't really...
Would you argue I could put it on my slann and cast banishment at D3 wounds on my Daemon friend's skull crushers? He'd love that! Can I combine it...
I'd say he doesn't get his D3 when stomping. That could be wrong, but I do feel like it is really not that big of a deal either way. The only...
Cloak of feather is skink on foot only. And the carpet is on foot only. Slann never count as being on foot. I think you should bring Harmonic...
Oh gosh, I didn't even realize I didn't fit sharpened horns on my BSB, or the roar on my scarvet. Totally right, I'm not going to be able to fit...
+1 I am probably one of the biggest offender of bad picture taking skills. My picture taking skills do no justice to my models. I'll give it a...
Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes +1 str on the charge!? Sounds like I don't know my Calvary rules. Did I mention I...
Re: 2500 Point Lizardmen Army List. Mounted + Cowboys + Awes Spears on 10 Cold Ones seems useless unless I'm missing something. Isn't that just...
I normally don't post my lists. But I am particularly unhappy with this one. It's not exactly what I was hoping for. I am a bit lost of what to do...
I always though that PF attacks were bites, hits from the tail, or other hits from the body. To me it almost feels more likely to come from impact...
I agree. I've run him in nearly every game since the new release riding on looks alone. I thought there was no question about being a complete...
That actually makes me rethink my "never put a chief on a steg" opinion. Probably still not the best place for your BSB or your chief, but I can...
I never even noticed. That is actually kind of cool. I've never mounted one on anything but an ancient before. Stegs don't really need the help,...
Pretty sure it says slanns can't use the transformation spell. :(