Whenever this girl posts anything, people seem to flock to it. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/a-girls-purple-lizzies.7655/ Her thread...
Looks like bad luck more than anything. And your list could have been a little better suited vs tomb kings. But I think if that comet went off...
Looks pretty awesome. I can't wait. Hope it doesn't take too long. You just have to send pictures not the painted models right?
It's worth a shot. I find it easier on LM. All you have to do is make a line top to bottom. Much easier than a small circle half covered by eye lid.
I think Lord Tsunami said it first, but I think pupils really give models life. I think that would be great for your army. And again I think you...
Re: Krox with Light or Life Slann? I like Light most for skrox. Adding 7 and 8 to WS is quite the boost. Hard to get away from that. Krox...
I wish it said the str of the attacks are +2. Or mentioned that the str on weps just figures into attacks in the magic weps section or something....
I like that answer. I understand that, along the same lines, if I dwellers his iron guts they are str 4?
My questions are more for ogres than anything else, my krox are in skrox. I just figured I'd link it to lizardmen via krox. So PoS does modify it...
Thanks for the help. But one more question. It says in my book under stomp, stomp is an automatic hit at the model's strength. Does that wording...
Do the Kroxigor stomp at str4 or str6? This question comes up because my friend plays ogres and normally stomps at str4 with his iron guts with...
Re: Color Schemes I was gunna say something more along the lines of be careful using grey. Make sure the skin tone has plenty of hilights and...
Re: Color Schemes What I was thinking
I like the idea of a valcano. And like a tree house for the skinks. It may be the fact that i'm working on skink howdahs, but i see their...
Havent fixed that yet. I dont like the idea of mud. I washed the horns with a home brewed vermin brown wash. Dark enough? Or suck it up and use...
Yeah. I actually have the salamanders for decorating bases or as a jumgle swarm. Ill post a picture of them next to the regular models if you'd...
Re: Warhammer Newbie; First Army idea I figured as much. I edited it a bit to make it more understandable in parts. Hope it helps. Not sure...
Re: Warhammer Newbie; First Army idea I think you should drop the temple guard and add more saurus. They're extra stats aren't really worth the...
Holy crap! That is a different game completely. When I read that line about focus being put on huge blocks in 8th, I was thinking no way! Hordes...
What paints did you use to get that pale yellow on your stegadon. It's awesome!