And this goes against things posted earlier this week that we should forget about army books o_O
wow, great theme....and even better excecution :)
Allready like it :)
Perhaps it is an idea to add a third contrasting collor, for certain accents. Myself have a rather drab light brownish & black collorsheme for my...
Lol, like those 40k things were not perfectly square to begin with.
Nice, I never really liked (or got used to) the game play of the Rome total war and gave up on it pretty fast. But perhaps, worth an other try.
Where do i find the list/set up that protector uses? I think i have read it before, but i cant find it anymore. thx
Didn't vote, as I am missing the option: "I didnt bother with End times much/at all, so i dont really know" However, the few things i picked up...
Exactly, I personally have never understood Ogre Kingdoms for example. They were a nice addition to Orcs & Goblins, Empire, and Chaos (although...
@Bainbow , Sorry, but i feel that is a bit nonsense. I know I am not the best player in the world, but if you dont have the right tools your...
@Pinktaco, thanks, that was indeed quite helpfull. A list posted by RipperDerek, with 10 Rippers is getting quite close to a flying circus and...
@Pinktaco , yeah i largely agree with you about the magic, I do like the buff and hexes system, cause they need planning and thinking to get the...
And i always thought the biggest critique on 8th was the overpowered magic. Things like lvl 4 in warlocks moving up the board in turn 1 and 6...
Best advice ever :)
:) Arabian Carpet? Nice idea!
Me neither....have 9 terradons (in various states of usefullness, only 1 painted yet), and no rippers yet. and yeah, storm banner would be a...
Hi, Has anyone tried out the lizardmen "Flying Circus"? With that i mean, filling up the special slot with Terradons & Rippers, and a bunch of...
Yeah, there is a lot of love for big dino's, but they are not necessary and against certain match ups they can also be a weakness. As always, it...
check out this link, quite funny and it involves dinosaurs raiding the fridge...
Nope, its he takes up de space of 4 Saurus/temple guard For the Slann a BSB on him might be nice As for other stuff...many people...