First off....about.the old Slann. You can drill a hole in the bottom and put some brass rod in it and mount it on a base that way without the...
Fending of swords!!! :D Last night i sat down for a little painting (first time in weeks), when my two daughters decided it would be funny to...
Do you have any idea how hard it is for an archaeologist to leave things buried ;) I totally understand that GW needs to be carefull with their...
I wish i could elaborate. I dont really know what that shopkeeper said exactly. But I understood from my friend (his english is not perfect, and...
indeed. Btw just had a chat with a friend of mine and he is in contact with a guy who has a gamestore in Istanbul and who is now about to open a... this link was posted on da warpath. It says round bases will happen...
Lol, I think a certain city should sue GW.
I would definately do 4d6 otherwise magic will be to weak for the size of the game. Perhaps with the restriction that a single mage can max use 12...
yeah, round bases confirmed!!!!! just look at that circle around the hammer. ;)
I have an 8x4 table (125x250 cm) and it indeed is f-word huge. It does not look too big in this picture but trust me, it largely fills the room....
Nice list. The only comment i have is that the two cowboys are lacking a wardsave. Many things ignore armour saves and the cowboys biggest...
Yeah, just a "few" indeed :s That is Nemrut Dag (Mount Nemrut). Built as a tomb for Antiochus, last king of Commagene, before the Romans took...
I actually think there is not too much wrong with Saurus. I see why people want +1 WS, but that should lso mean a price increase. The only thing...
voted Black/Grey, although that is probably the most difficult one in the list to pull off properly.
hmm....that sounds rediculously expensive.
It does happen a lot though that they make mistakes, way too often if you ask me. And the Lizardmen book is actually quite rife with mistakes...
@NIGHTBRINGER, That sure is the most simple and probably cleanest way to do it (and i would not have a big issue with playing it like this). But...
Make that almost 2 units of Terradons!! He is worth 4.85 Terradons. And yeah, the only beneficial rule he brings adding to the role of the...
@pendrake, I never read the fluffy part of the rules, just to not confuse things even more. However, i did now....and according to the fluff it...