Ok, i havent used Rippers yet, but I just had a quick look at the Rule book. Page 99: combined units section: Characters and the unit he joined...
Lol :) But how hard can it be? Don't they work with checklists or something!! Ok, we have a rule about a character on a flyer who we want to be...
@Putzfrau yeah, totally missed that discussion! I saw it now cause i googled a bit after reading Slebodas post. The discussion is actually a...
Bloody h.... !!!!! You are probably right. Not many players realized that (me inclusive). But yeah, they are indeed classed as enchanted items,...
I personally dont really see the point on flying ambushers. These guys have vanguard and a 20 inch move in the first turn. So they will be in...
@ Pendrake Exactly, very nice drawing. thanks, This was was what i ment. And yeah, sorry, should have put a diagram in my first post. The 1...
Hi, the Maximizing models in combat is in general quite clear. However, if I have multiple units charging a single enemy unit and there is enough...
%wise you would go from a 83% to a 69,4% wound chance for canons. When you couple that with a 4+ ward, the wound chance will drop to 34%. (as...
Ok, then we basically agree on this one :) Still, highly depending on your list, you could consider puting a block as an early drop on a flanks...
I am also not the best player in the world....but my hands are itching to give this guy a "oorwassing"
He has 6 drops....then i am still dropping "junk" on the table. So although he will most likely go first, you should almost automatically out...
Call me an arrogant prick, but I am actually thinking that my fast orc army as well as my standard lizardmen list will have a "field day" against...
Do you mean, that PF will now work on a 5+ ? Does it work that way?
Now that is a proper old blood!!! :) great model, nice paintjob. To nitpick a little.....your 11 grave guard example is impossible. as you only...
Yes, it certainly is using a sledgehammer to tap in a nail. I can however totally imagine situations where this is totally necessary. Just...
I haven't read everything above, but I ll add in my two cents. I play vs a wood elf player (not the best one to be honest, actually he is quite...
faster --- true, Funnily Dutch TV stations always use the excuse, when ppl complain that they dont show field hockey that much, that field...
Exactly ;) Nah, in the Netherlands it is about 50-50. And guys playing hockey are generally regarded as much tougher (and cooler) than the...
No low quality indeed. Not that I am a 10mm expert, but these are pretty good.