I basically just paint. I usually paint in the evening when the kids are sleeping, and as my paint room i directly next to the room of my...
Yeah, i know, should probably just have said "I agree with Nightbringer" ;)
For simplicity sake i would say to forget the randomization rule for allocating hits between the scar-vet and Skrox unit. So in Nightbringers...
Did you know, that when fighting against a unit consisting of a rank (or when a bigger unit get reduced to a single rank), you are supposed to...
@NIGHTBRINGER......lol yeah, but i find (beach) volleyball extremely boring and somehow (call me crazy) i find those outfits too much (or too...
What's wrong with DON!!?? (read in Italian accent). [img]
This list does not work for me. 1. Yeah, i can think of hundreds of bad examples of "proxies" and "count as". The worst example was probably a...
It is really weird actually, Ice skating is our (the Netherlands) national sport, and Field hockey is pretty big here as well (especially the...
I dont care too much about fluff so i am not entirely sure, but acording to fluff squigs are not mammals. No clue what they supposed to be though.
Assuming the Krox are 5 wide Savage Orc big un horde can deal 10x3 WS4 S5 attacks in round 1. If i am not mistaken (Krox are WS3 right?) that...
You should have seen my old hockey team :) For all Americans/Canadians/Russians/Fins/Swedes etc:. Hockey means FIELD hockey and not ICE hockey....
I seriously doubt this forum is the right place to vent all your dirty fantasies and weird fetishes ;) But yeah, they do look like mammals
haha, you should rephrase the question: What do lizardmen eat? anyway...I dont think the 3rd editions lizards left many cats alive. [img]
yeah, good question. They looked legit to me, but the hexagon one also looks quite convincing, and we know that is a fake. You got to hate (or...
@NIGHTBRINGER .....lol lol lol , i actually know who photoshopped that (not me). I shared the pictures of blisters with the round & square bases...
my biggest filler is 3x3....it consists of one full night goblin and 2 half ones who get sucked into the purple sun vortex. Only have a wip shot...
lol, you now really made me curious what the other two are. ;) Btw, never really liked fillers myself that much, but pricing and the "need" to...
yeah, however brets and woodies did not receive much love or updates for quite a while and they are still around.
Werent most of us allready playing trayhammer to a certain extent? Al my big units do have a number of fillers,
I heard a rumor, that an angry orc will squash your mini's with a rubber choppa ;)