My bastiladon is coming together nicely. I did plan to use yellow in the glowlines on the circuit board, but figured that, if I had to repaint it...
I don't mind paying for something I am not using, as long as the replacement is better than the original. However I get your point, it doesn't...
Hmm I may need to have another look at the rules. I thought puting a slann on a fulcrum would be very good.
I haven't been playing wfb hat long, so I don't know the glorious old days of dual slann as some of you do. However I have found myself wanting...
Oké we will be playing 3000 points, so FAQ or not, 2 slann is possible. But is it wise?
How about something out of the box. Assuming points will allow it, dual Slann, anyone? :mad:
The thought had crossed my mind of relocating my steg to a summoned beast. But then it can be dispelled right? Plus I would loose my giant...
Sorry, double post. computer error.
oops, I did forget the nostrils, Thanks!! Perhaps you can help me with something. I wanted to paint a lighting effect on the Solar Engine, and...
Ah yes, the tactica forum. I would not have found it without your help (can you detect the sarcasm?) However, though always usefull and good to...
I didn't think anyone was interested in my (hopefully) slightly above average painting skills, since I got no responce. Anyhow I have been very...
Hi all, I was just wondering if you have any tips or tricks concerning Storm of Magic? I have never played SoM before and got a battle upcoming....
Yeah, I just ordered the skink and old one rider from the carnosaur kit :)
Haha yeah I know. I would say bitsandkits is your best bet. They restock on a regular basis, so check in every now and then. You can also apply... They sell out pretty fast though, you're not...
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sure np. My saurus warriors are almost finished, though, as I said, I am not a very fast painter. I hope to post picures soon. In the mean time,...
Very nice work indeed sir. Loving both of them. However you could have a second look at the scales, they look a bit flat too me, though this could...
sorry, double post. Please remove
I think it looks more than decent. I think orange hits the spot. Nice shading on the scales, btw.