Haha. I don't think that's quite going to happen.....saying that in 5 turns I didn't get more than 5 shots out of the Bastiladon so maybe he is...
I posted nearly an identical list to your list 1 yesterday (here), with the only difference being I dropped one of the hordes of skinks down to 10...
I super rate the Starpriest. The summon starlight spell is one of my favourite and can stack an even combat in your favour and the Serpent staff...
Looks really solid to be honest, a good core for an army. I don't think anyone knows at the moment exactly what will be competitive, we've...
So I had the first chance to try out the GHB2017 yesterday and as I was playing my friend who plays pretty competitively I tried building a...
I do not even know what all that would do but looks good!!!
I'm super hoping there's an awesome combo with it (Maybe the teleport + vortex trick) as treated myself to one and need to get in on the table :D
I do not envy your painting arm. I have managed to paint NEARLY twenty........can't even begin to image
My issue is it's such a cool model and sometimes just falls absolutely flat....and that's not particularly FUN. A slight change could have made...
Whoops. Slight oversight there. I'm looking forward to seeing how your 160 skinks go
Thats insane. In that list though I'd definitely be considering dropping one of the 40's to a 10 and adding some chameleon skinks (or an allied...
What are your thoughts on squeezing a second unit of Rippers in? The second toad and ability to deal with the soon-to-be-prevalent hordes makes...
Thanks for pulling this together, really looking forward to Saturday to try it all out.
Mmm...tasty. Dreadful example, but tasty ability.
Another quick update as the wife was out last night meaning I could get some late painting done. Even though I should be focusing on the items...
Thanks :D And yeah, I started playing in 5th edition when they had all the spawning (Red Crests for Sotek, Albino for Prophet of Sotek) so I...
Hey all, as I was setting up my paint station I thought I'd take the opportunity to get a couple of shots of my Seraphon, first here is some...
I think the first thing to say is try it and see! Without knowing your opponents and how you and your friends play it is really hard to give you...
Well that sounds ominous! I see your points though. Knowing the guys I am playing, the 35pt list I could take the worst units available and just...
So I started a new job just as I was getting into this and as such the last 12 months have been mental and I have made ZERO progress. With AoS...