Thanks for checking! :)
Oh damnit why! I tried out some colour pattern on my starpriest and it sucks! How do i best fix it? Do just give him another layer of a different...
Somebody in the store was saying you always neef a general in your army. But couldn't find anything about it.
Not his command ability but can the new general do inpiring presence? Sorry for the maybe stupid questions :sorry:
That i know. But if he dies,does another hero step-up to become the general?
If my general dies (oldblood on foot) do o get to re-assing another to be the general? Maybe the sunblood, and use his command ability?
Is it also allowed to use 3 scar-vet on cold one? (Not that i would but who knows what i could try :D ) I think it is allowed but just asking to...
Thats a great way to battle! Don't have allot of skinks but you sure make me want to some more :D Thank you for the great advice!
If you use a batallion and 1of the units from that batallion go's down. Does the batallion go away to? Or do the remaining units still get the buff?
You have my attention :D Verry curius about how your army build is then? My opinion is that they don't do allot of dmg and they fall like fly's...
And ofcourse i would like to share some reports! Should i post them in the reports topic or just here? (Did my second battle yesterday )
No love for the troglodon jus fof the sake it can be a vassal for the slann later? And pls tell why the stegadon? Didn't think allot about the...
Its not a point related campaigne we are playing. We are building our army's up every month. Started with start collecting. Half december we can a...
So if i field one unit of 10-15 guards near a kroak and the kroad casts mystic shield on the guards. All my guards can save on a 2+ in matched...
And how far can you go in matched play with the buffs and the stacking of them?
Can you stack everything? Guards have 4+ save Near hero =3+ Mystic shield =2+ Eternety starhost = 1+? Or is this a realy stupid comment? Probably...
Omg this brother needs some sisters! They are awesome! :D Defenetly gonna try that guard combo. Thanks soooo much for the great tips :D Will...
My problem is that i think warriors dont do much and there are to many of them so thats why i was looking for something more "elite". So maybe...
What are the heroes you use for the bloodclaw killing spree?
Brutes are 180 points for 5 so it could be worse :p and if you look at our own seraphon, 120points for 5 knights :) Bloodclaw does sound like a...