Expensive to buy or expensive for army points? Becaus 100 isn't that much...only down side is only 1wound per model maybe... What did you combine...
Just a quick question. I know guards are meant to guard and be defensive. But i don't like the warriors because there so many models and i don't...
So say that you have a unit of 3 rippers and you have the toad near the enemy. You do 3 attacks per model. So 9 attacks. With the voracious...
Sorry for not catching on but its not that clear to me :p For example : You charged and the hitroll is succesfull and you do a woundroll and its...
3 mortal wounds? Isn't it 2 mortal wounds maximum? Or how can you get the firelances to give 3mortal wounds?
Please let me know how well it works becaus i probably wont be going down that road. (Was planning on adding a scar vet on cold oneand firelance...
You have a great point there! I do like the stegadon and the troglodon better then the bastilodon. Besides,if i was to take as a hero (the month...
A start collecting box. I'm in a campaigne in a local store for starters of miniature gaming. Everybody chose a starter box. Every month you pick...
Will be taking a basti then. And maybe a stegadon later becaus it could be handy. Thanks for the tips :)
And could you guys say why? I realise the basti is realy strong. But what do you think about the 3D6 att from the stomp?
Hi all! A quick question for you guys (and ladies) about monster choise. Choises are : troglodon,bastilodon and stegadon. The trog is a cool...
I would also think some more chameleons for sneaking behind the enemy and killing the ranged units and leaders
How about a starseer for more mortal wounds with the knights?
Oh great i'm get me one of those! I'm gonna look up on how to post the picture of the breakingpoints. Gonna try to fix it like that ;) thank you
omg i could use some help. My oldblood on carnosaur broke his sunspear! It broke right behind his hand (meaning the tip of the spear till thr...
True,i will be facing everything. Allot of chaos and a decent amount of destruction and a bit undead. I also will have to ask the tournament what...
Will surely do! Kinda changing my mind on taking extra knights and going for the firelance starhost...kinda thinking about salamanders or kroxx or...
Maybe best to get them both and just try em out a bit. So that by the time the official battle gets there i know what i like best :) Thanks for...
I'm in a local tournament where we all have a starting box and each month we add a different kind of unit. (First we choose a box,month later we...