when going for a firelance starhoste What is the best hero to go with this batalion? For example: 1scar vet on carno 5knights with lance 5knights...
They are realy cool! Could i sign up for a set of collosi? Milspranger@hotmail.com
They look super badass!! Can i still sign up for a set (3models?) Email Milsprangers@hotmail.com
How can kroxx heal itself near slann?
2options but havent figures out yet what is best becaus i only started playing verry recently. I am thinking between these 2. 1)allrounder set-up...
Will a unit of 10chameleon skinks do the job? He also has a crazy range canon what is his biggest threath allong with that bloodsecrator and a...
Hej all! I got in a campaigne and we all have start collecting boxes to start with ( the logic!!!) Any tips how i can defeat khorne bloodbound...
Would be cool to have some models have a few lesser attacks when you feeld them without a rider/riders and have them be a bit cheaper cost points....
is it possible to field a carnosaur without a rider? And is there a battlescroll somewhere for it? :D
Don't know how to upload a picture, but a bastilodon is a monster :) but defenetly gonna get me one! (Somebody told me to get a dread saurian Hehehe)
Oke :) Going chameleon skinks Then bastilodon (laser beam or snakes on it?) Then Slann. Thanks allot guys! :)
hi all, I have a question pure a bit know-how. I am still a bit new to the game and don't know anything lore-wise so i wa wandering is it...
So chameleons for first units then a bastilodon and for hero... A sunblood? Or... Btw thanks for the good tips guys! :)
what would you choose for first unit option? i need to pick a "non monster-non hero" unit. isnt it better to take the sunblood becaus i dont have...
hej all, i just picked up playing AOS and i realy like all of it! ofcourse i have chosen seraphon and at a local store we started a campaigne for...