A single hunting hound for 20 points that can leg it 12 +D6" towards objectives? Yes please. Just make it as cute as possible so the opponent...
Important question- are you looking for a pure Seraphon build or are you up for splashing a few other Order units in?
Alternatively, just have abilities that affect the Celestial keyword. Having explicit synergies seems a bit ham fisted. Also a lot of units...
Some interesting concepts, these are just a few thoughts after my glance through the list: Asoteka Skirmishers: Cool concept, a bit like melee...
Exciting stuff! Looking forward to more updates. Just as a tiny preemptive edit- Arouse should be arose, unless the Asoteks are kinkier than I...
I wholeheatedly agree. Not to derail this thread too much, but Bowser has consistently been a source of positivity and helpful advice for as long...
I have never really been a fan of Dwarves, but these look great! I kind of want to incorporate some of their steampunk tech into our larger...
And the Beany doth bring unto the forums, this excellent custom warscroll builder: http://runebrush.pa-sy.com/warscroll/ Go forth, and make cool...
Thought I would contribute to possible new Heroes (Yes, there's a Bastiladon). Each one is designed to shore up a weakness we have. The...
@Bowser Some really interesting ideas! I don't know if it's affecting anyone else but the formatting seems a bit messed up, would it be easier to...
Clearly the solution is to have a catapult that launches Bastiladons. And the Bastiladons fire even smaller Bastiladons.
It might be interesting to put together an unofficial updated Seraphon Battletome (That inlcudes Command traits, Artefacts etc.) so that people...
Yesssss That sounds llike a blast!
I can't help but feel that this thread is just shouting into the void a bit now, but I'd like to give my opinion. A lot of the issues we are...
Step 1- get 40 skinks. Step 2- Get a Skink Chief Step 3- Be in a Shadowtrike Starhost (with Cham skinks is preferable) Step 4- Have a Stegadon...
@Hutch9935 Congratulations! Placing second in a tournament is no small feat, especially with pure Seraphon. Would you mind pasting your...
In fairness, from Sylvaneth onwards, they have released traits, spell lores and artifacts for armies that can only be accessed if you have that...
Due to the similarities in rules between Kroak and the Hurricanum, I'm magnetising kroak's butt and scratch building him a transparent meditiation...
Here's a quick breakdown: - It can shoot mortal wounds three times a turn - It has another high mortal wound spell - It has a completely...
I feel like I should provide some non Seraphon examples- also i dig the Mozzarella Ball scale. Kurnoth Hunters- 7.5/10 Mozza Balls 180 Points...