What makes the Terradons a perfect fit in this list (I also generally prefer Rippers) is that you can disrupt three units in one turn, whereas the...
Whilst I am extremely flattered (I do really like cheese), we have some excellent list builders on the forums as of late. @Killer Angel and...
I dig it, thanks! Although you have forced my hand into rewatching the show again :rolleyes:
I do love the Sunblood, but he is incredibly slow. The Scar Vets are more there because they are pretty undercosted and can have excellent damage...
So, I'm thinking it's about time I requested a custom avatar but I'm not overly sure what I'm after. I feel like it should probably reflect my...
If my sleep addled brain remembers correctly, there isn't the normal caveat of "This counts as the unit's movement for that turn", so you should...
*cracks knuckles* Let's do this. You want TAC? Let's do TAC. I am also writing this up at like 2am so it may be a tad rambling. I wrestled with...
This is a thing of beauty. Never did I realise I wanted a Carnosaur squad until now. My question now is...can we fit that into a Bloodclaw...
My my my, look what time it is- sneak peek time! https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/02/07/the-generals-handbook-ii-wip-points-sneak-peek/...
:eek: Heresy You are, however, absolutely correct. I've always thought that the Bloodclaw starhost forces your army to be incredibly aggressive-...
Interesting concept, but Razordons only having a range of 12" kind of neuters your options. Also having no rend for most of the time will hurt...
That should just be my motto at this point tbh. But Bowser is absolutely right, it is to provide real time solutions to problems as they arise....
@Bowser Oh you, you'll make me blush at this rate. I really should get to rounding up all those lists I've made across the site and pop them into...
Ok now we're talking my language. That first list looks an absolute blast, cool idea with the stacking of bonus attacks on our cavalry- they're...
@Lachlin That is correct. It is a fantastic unit, super easy to fit into lists.
Below you can see our potential shooting: [ATTACH] That is from one single volley. Bear in mind that any time an opponent's unit enters the...
@Seraphage I will do my best! I personally have an affinity with 'Death Stars'- groups of elite units that tend to stack and overlay buffs to...
I quote: HAND OF GLORY With a simple sign the Loremaster grants his allies the might of old. Hand of Glory has a casting value of 5. If...
Just browsing through this thread and saw this- remember that the Loremaster's unique spell targets a single model, not a unit.
Don't forget that if you're playing Matched Play (which it looks like you are due to the points), you cannot summon anything for free, you would...