Right, let's bake a cake. You need cheap, expendable battleline instead of costly elites- Skinks You need to bring the thunder, the pain-...
1) He can indeed, as per the FAQ all units count as being within x" range of themselves at all times. 2) "Whenever a Saurus Hero attacks" implies...
Don't forget you can use the balewind for your celestial hurricanum. Frankly that might be worth it just for the comedy value of a horse drawn...
It may just be my inner min/maxer talking, but I struggle to justify the Skink Priest in a lot of my lists. It only really does one thing, and...
As resident purveyor of fine cheddar, I present to you a tasty little 1000 point list: Scar-Vet on Cold One- 100 Empire Jade Battlemage- 100...
I was lucky enough to get my hands on the original print run of this version of Space Hulk- it is super fun. You can even run it as a D&D lite...
I don't remember the wording exactly, but you cannot have all your heroes carrying artefacts. You would get one as standard, and then another one...
This looks a great list! I always think the best lists are those that tackle multiple core concepts, and you have a great mix of speed, aggression...
Your first take was correct, anything that is explicitly under the spells section for wizards can be unbound. In regards to your second comment,...
There are some pretty diverse Wizards in AoS, and are mostly catered to fit the theme of their army. With the Seraphon, there is a large emphasis...
Just a quick correction - you can't have the same unit in multiple formations. So for example, you can't have the sane unit of saurus warriors in...
This is amazing! I love the depictions of you and your opponent as generals of your respective armies- I may have to commission a game or two...
Interesting concept, but I feel like it moves past the boundary of 'specialising in an aspect' and into 'all your eggs in one basket'. That may...
Your Stormcast buddy is going to be tanky and hard hitting, but generally slow as molasses. You can help him most by providing mobility and...
Woo, nice to see someone else also digging the hunting party! I also fell into the trap of hitting the Hero limit in my list, its just so...
First thoughts would be that the starhost in your initial post is waaaay too bloated- battalions work best when there is efficiency in their...
For a small starting force, I feel like the Skink Starpriest is so competitively costed (100pts) and does so much for you. In particular, it can...
I'm afraid I'm super rusty on the GH's scenarios, but just looking at your list in isolation it is absolutely in need of some form of magic user....
Finally got round to editing the original post about Allegiances to reflect the clarity provided by the FAQ's, oops! :confused:
Huh, I should probably update the list building guide, forgot that the FAQ changed the original interpretation of allegiances. @Phoedinn Bowser...