Great write up! Been out the loop a bit with AoS as of late, but I have started to seriously re-evaluate the Troglodon. Being able to play...
The key with rippers in the shadowstrike formation is that it lets them hit something of your choice while they are still at full power. Yes, it...
I think the astrolith bearer is just not giving you enough benefit to warrant taking tbh. You could remove him and takethe Shadowstrike formation?...
Welcome to the fold! In regards to the rippers, they're half decent by themselves, but the Shadowstrike formation is what really makes them...
Yes, as they are 'set up' on the battlefield. As far as I know, other similar effects that the Gryph can trigger in response to are: summons (of...
Great to see some Death lists, currently in the process of trying to cram as much cheese as possible into mine so I'll hopefully be able to...
Cool lists Bowser, just a quick thought on the second list- if you wanted to expand on the Stormcast aspect and really go for a super aggressive,...
Interesting stuff. To be honest, your opponent seemed pretty salty, and a poor loser. Part of every competitive game is recognising opposing...
That assassin is the spiciest tech I've seen yet, my goodness. He's so flexible- I would definitely put him with either Rippers or Chameleon...
Hi there @Shadow27 , welcome to the site! First things first- what kind of Age of Sigmar games you looking to get into? As of the recent release...
It is still potentially useful in a pure Seraphon Allegiance, as it is one of our only sources of Mortal Wounds (albeit an unreliable one). I...
Aight, lets answer these questions from the top: 1. Yes, if you read the wording of the Bloodclaw Starhost, you can use all the Heroes' command...
Interesting to see an infantry focussed seraphon army, not really seen one thus far. To answer your original question, oldblood (presumably on...
Welcome to the Fun Comet fellow scaly bro! Looking forward to seeing this red hot painted army of yours, sounds awesome! Like Bowser says, make...
This makes for interesting reading- the lists from Bad Dice's Alliance event:...
You are absolutely correct, I always forget about the leader limits! I shall edit the list in due course, probably just drop one of the mages for...
Just my 2 cents- to try and keep the essence of your list intact but offer you a more stable 1000 point army, may I suggest replacing the Scar Vet...
Good god that list is spikey! Congrats @Killer Angel, you have brought a new flavour of cheese to the forums! :eek: Great stuff taking out those...
@Joeg Great points, fully agree with that reasoning. Dropping one unit of Camo skinks and one Gryph hound lets you take a Jade wizard amd a...
@Joeg Great to see someone starting to splash in those Jade mages! Some very interesting lists, my pick for favourite is probably List 2- through...