I have to say, I am struggling a little bit with smaller points size armies. Anyone have any tips on synergy based 1000 points lists?
Hey guys, been furiously brainstorming lists now that I have finally had some quality time to pore over the leaks and rules, here is what I'm...
I personally really like low balling it on the first turn (So picking 1/2) and try to save the re-roll until it gets to the roll off for turn...
Don't forget that you can only have a maximum of 2 Behemoths in 1000 point games! Also the ghoul king on TG is 400 points, which it would have to...
If your army has a Grand Alliance allegiance (Order, Death, Destruction, Chaos), you may choose any Hero within your army and give them a single...
@Killer Angel ...oh my
I have to say, I don't really understand how Red Fury was particularly effective, as if I remember correctly it only lets you trigger a second...
I would definitely agree that the second list is way more viable. It has a nece balanced approach and seems pretty flexible, which will be good if...
[Double posted- please see last post :) ]
@Tozon FYI here (http://imgur.com/a/sg32b) is an album with an explanation of how allegiances and army construction work- brief version, at 2000...
@Killer Angel Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the Skink Starpriests are wizards? On the topic of which, the new 'Rules of One' have...
On the flipside, I feel that Kurnoth Hunters are pretty undercosted. They can put out some really fantastic damage (either in CC or at range),...
Bowser you raise a really good point- had a long chat with my local GW manager, and it seems there is a huge emphasis on encouraging people to use...
Hey guys! Having now had the GH points leaked for a short while, I was hoping to see what our community thinks of our situation in the upcoming...
Ask and ye shall receive- album of allegiance rules, command traits and artefacts below. http://m.imgur.com/a/sg32b
Is it worth making a new thread on other armies' tactics with regards to the general's handbook being released? The inclusion of points may...
Just as an FYI- Oxyotl is 100 points in the GH, Tehenhuain is 80 and skink chief is 60. The old formations are saurus Host (140) and Skink patrol...
@heksagon @skipperyoss Both smashing ideas. See this is what I'm excited for- the ability to bring a bit more creativity to army lists! Don't...
Just my two cents- the Bastiladon does actually make for some amazing cover. Any of your smaller (non-floating) heroes can be safely parked...