@n810 +1 :rolleyes: What I would love to see, is a carno MC, Allow the scar vet access to the Carno :) - change the carno troop type to MC....
TG are fun. But if your serious about wining tournaments, they should stay home.
For me the matter is simple, Plaque of Tepok gives you another spell form the lore you choose, lore master gives you all of the spells from the...
If you are thinking of tournament play, I would re think your list entirely. You have nothing that is game breaking, a death star TG unit will...
I'm actually thinking of the same thing, But Shadow and Life (enfeeblement and dwellers, withering and sallies, is just evil. plus dwellers and...
I'm going to be playing my lizardz on a major tournament in Poland. Two days about 200+ players, the best players in the country. I would love to...
considering other options that we can field, and the synergy in our army, the TG are one of the weakest choices we have.
Yes you can, If someone asks why, because the rules say that you can, as earlier mentioned, the rules specify this exactly, if you fly your mount...
But spending 600-800 on a unit, that is worth their point's only when. 1. you cast Throne of vines 2. your opponent won't dispell it. 3. you cast...
I'm currently playing with stupid ETC rules, Running a solo BSB slan on light. Plaque of Tepok Obsidian Amulet Focused Rumination Belcalming...
take Slan, lore shadow roll 6 dice on lowering their T, then place as many sally templates on them as you can.
They are still our best unit. they preform so many roles it's, with out them gaining a victory is so difficult.
TG death stars are crap, and if you say otherwise your totally wrong, in a tournament environment taking TG is thw most stupid mistake you can...
I was thinking of fielding a metal slan hence my question. What happens if I cast Glittering robe on a unit of Krokxigores? Will they have 5+,...
They have been attracting new players since..... before time :depressed:, no price increase will stop that, They have excellent marketing and...
don't bother with camo's, he still hit's them on a 5+ regardless of modifier's. 1 salvo and camo's are toast, better take regular skirmisher's....
I had great success with Light Armour + shield + hand weapon for parry save. Crown of command dawn stone dragon helm, for a 1+ rerollable AS,...
I get less games, but I try to get at least 1 tournament per month. But if it work's for you who em I to argue. I would only try to protect the...
If you want to give some one a win, just play bad. Don't combo charge, expose your flanks and make other stupid mistakes. There is no excuse for...
my last army had a slan and an oldblood. Slan, plaque of tepoc, rumination and becalming disciplines, was a BSB. 365points my oldblood 231 had...