May be show us your list, and the one that your usually going up against. from what I read, you are using you salamanders, they should always be...
In the log run magic missile will disappoint you. you have skinks of all types and salamanders to get rid of small and lighter unit's. In 8th...
5th ed. is hero hammer. only played a few games, didn't like it because fielding and army so the heroes on both sides have something to kill was...
I would personally drop the standard of discipline, ld 10 is fun to have, but the difference between 9 and 10 while being cold blooded is...
If you want your kroxes to survive, take a unit of 8 if your willing to risk it take 6, and a life slan to heal them, since they are treated as...
7M and 3D6 pursuit's, is a rule from 7th ed. in 8th ed you need swift stride. so having 7m gives you 7m and nothing more in 8th.
I played a 2400 against TK last night. What I have noticed, Magis is essential for the army to work. Archers are not a problem, because they...
Thank's, In still cant believe I won that last game.
I'm not a fan of slan TG combo, but I must admit it is very very resilient, in addition if you get hit by a purple sum, or the pit, remember slan...
This Saturday I took part in a mini tournament, had 3 games, and to my surprise, I won my first turnament. The first battle was against a...
I'm a 100% positive that they are trying to boost their Special characters sale. They have been since 6th ed, where you needed your opponent's...
Walgis, No offence but I would be suprised if a 800+ poin unit not kill some thing in it's way. I on the other hand, have not had any good...
8 Kroxe's will make short work of any thing (except maybe 8 treekin), especially when backed up by a life slan. :meh:
I would like a return to the 6th ed Codex. 1. Slan immune to miscast. Have multi lores (would love to hand pick spells) 2. S5 Krox's 3. 6th ed...