I just realised I interpreted Sunclaw as Bloodclaw. Then the scar-vet wouldn't have to be general to use his command ability.
It was similar for the factions in TwW1 as I recall, one easier and one harder starting point. I am super psyched about lizardmen in TW, bring on...
Both of these moves made me smile, great work!
This is how I interpret it, otherwise its gonna be pointless. You rarely die on the last attack its usually overkill.
You can definetly squeeze in an Knight-Azyros in a game where heroes cap objectives. Considering his low wounds and how close he has to be to the...
There is so much potential for a lot of fantastic lists with the new allegiance/traits/artifacts/point-costs for us. My top list picks: 1....
If you want to go with allies I think I would replace the vanguard raptors with a Knight-Venator for early sniping. The heraldor feels a bit out...
I'm looking forward to it! I never knew how powerful Kroak was before reading your batreps, it's great stuff!
I just primed my first box of skinks and rippers. Tooootally unrelated to the new GHB2017 *nods*
I think the massive skink list is a solid army. Tho it does have faint smell of roquefort... ;)
If wished I knew someone around here who also plays Seraphon, at least then we could test two lists at the same time!
Hot darn! I'll fix that right up.
You are correct, you can NOT exceed the point limit. But it gives us the new deployment option of "deep-striking" parts of our army, which is...
Yes. But the battlelines dont have to be fielded right away. Here's an example: Dracothions Tail 60 Slann 260 20 Saurus Warriors 200...
It includes the battallions and any other seraphon unit. As long as you have them in your list before the game, you can summon them in for free....
You can summon the units that you have in your list already for free, nothing outside of it.
We can summon units from the starhost, for free. But only one of each unit per turn. This one is soooooo with the lore, I love it. But if you...
The post in the other thread by @LordRibbit confirmed everything here but the point costs.
Well.. there we have it! Edit: Happy to see I got a perfect score on traits!
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/168718266 You need to subscribe to the channel tho.