Someone on this forum took a similar list to an tournament, with less chameos and more Carnos. I'd hold off until on saturday when the new points...
You get an artifact for each battallion. The effects varies depending on the meta battallion, in some cases the entire battallion gets buffs, in...
Straight out confirm it, no. The way I have interpreted the commentators last night the rerolls and skink spells are different traits. The truth...
Lets hope the battallion unit requirements doesn't stink and this will be TearMilker2000. It's basically the Stormcasts Warrior Brotherhood... but...
Thanks for going the long way explaining it. I havn't fielded my rippers yet, but now I am eager to!
Yeah, my memtel (memory intel) was corrupt. How do you get 45 wounds out of the rippers with the rules for matched play saying that generated...
Edit: I was way off on this. Sorry mate!
Recursion sounds pretty similar, I'll use that.
Looks to me like some solid lists. My only thought is how it will fare against wound-heavy lists? There isnt that much dakka, even tho it is...
They touch upon it in miniwargamings review of GHB2017 (it's on youtube). I cant recall exactly, but some things are just the order ones with new...
Update: Clarified that we get two allegiance abilities, one only applies to Slanns. Added their names. Incandescent is an artifact, not an trait.
Okay so I relistened to both videos and I was correct (sadly). Edit: Wait I'm not sorry, that relic is amazeballs! The incandescent thing is a...
I just relistened to the same part. The rerolls and knowing skink spells might be one trait. I havnt found the third mention yet tho.
It's the best part! It's like playing detective, but with less murders... until the book is released!
@Aginor The traits I included in my writeup was the ones the mentioned on the live stream (it's at around 1:12:00 on the 2h stream). The wound...
I think it's just to tell us why some units that normally have a many of models havn't gotten access to massive regiments, such as high elf...
The first source was a leak, but they confirmed it yesterday during the livestream of Seraphon vs Sylvaneth on The new book...
Afaik removing a unit from combat by any means counts as a retreat. It was discussed a lot with rampaging destroyer (destruction allegiance).
We are going to see some really interesting Seraphon battle reports in the coming months I am sure! Double dread saurian drop in the enemy...
I think the saurus ones will be great in smaller games, where hero-power makes a bigger difference. The skink ones are also really good, a skink...