I'd discuss it with my opponent, In most cases I feel uncertain I let my opponent decide. If it's all up to me, if some of the models can see one...
Wow, I had totally missed that subsequent turn part. I've been cheating! Thankfully I've only fielded them once :) Thanks for the correction guys :)
I found his warscroll in the Empire warscroll compedium on GW:...
That's odd, maybe the warscroll in the app is old. If you check the warpriest it has that keyword, but not for him as a named character. Edit: If...
Hey guys, I'm a bit bored riding the train and then suddenly this horrible idea of a list popped up in my head. Pure theory for the funs here....
Volkmar the Grim - The Empire/Humans - 100p Has a prayer the doesn't have any keywords tied to it. Cast on a unit within 10", succeeds on 3+,...
Great base and I really love the cape! It gives the model so much life!
Love the write-up @Killer Angel ! I've been stuck mentally on mortal wounds and how to defend yourself against them (apart from just stacking...
Stormcast Eternals 2x Lord Relictor 1x Lord-Castellant 1x Celestant-Prime 1x Knight Azyros 1x Lord Celestant on Dracoth 1x Knight-Vexilor 30x...
I'd like to see an overall overhaul of the cost of units, especially comparing the cost between different armies of similar units. There are som...
Thank you both for the clarification, I get it now.
Can you elaborate on this? How are we losing terrain with the new battletomes? I feel like I've missed something.
Me and my friends try to get together for painting, it helps me get through the parts I find tiresome. I try to fokus on the "boring" stuff when I...
Thank you! I might need to head back to the drawing/paintboard, I had totally forgot about the stripe feature on the warriors. Still waiting on...
Hey guys! I'm quite new to warhammer and have no previous experience with painting. I am really happy with the results I've gotten so far and I...
Thanks a lot all! I have never been much of a writer, but I will get started on my plog soon!
Hello everyone, I've been stalking these forums for a couple of weeks now and figured I'd come out of the shadows and introduce myself. o/ -Hi...