Holy cow! Thanks so much Sreeves! Those were exactly what I was talking about. :)
My goodness, it's so clean! They really do look to be straight out of the book, or off the boxes. I also really, really love the classic look!...
I am absolutely in love with your bases and paint schemes! Where did you get the little plastic looking plants that you've been painting up...
Also switched to obsidian blades from silver. :happy:
Hey all! Been dormant for a bit, wanted to post a big update next instead of a ton of similar updates. My first batch of lizard bois are done! I...
I’m bummed by the announcements. But it’s really nice seeing a practically neglected faction like Fyreslayers get their due. I’m hopeful we will...
Thank you again everyone for the kind words! Made some progress last night! Dry brushed some skink blue onto these bois, and managed to get...
+1 to loving the format. The madden style doodles on your pictures make it super easy to follow. I’m so sad your dread went squish so quickly! It...
Thanks y'all! <3 I only did a bunch of base coats last night on the rest of my Saurus from the SC box, getting ready to dry brush and wash a...
My very first boy is born! All I can see are imperfections though! :sour: Also I kinda forgot to get a brown for the shaft of his spear, I'll...
Hey all, Very new to the hobby and today marks day one on my painting journey! Finally finished assembling my start collecting box. [ATTACH]...
I'm buying 4 Razordons in 2 days. Have them on order with my local GW store. I'm so hoping they remain good.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Feeling the love! <3 Also, starting painting tonight. So excited!!!
Hello Everyone! I hear this is the support group for those of us that buy dinos that ride on dinos? Recently played an embarrassing amount of...
Thank you very much for the advice! Messed with it this morning after leaving him in the freezer all night. I managed to bend the torso up a bit...
Hi @LizardWizard Thank you very much for the welcome! I'm VERY new to the hobby, is this the green stuff that you mean?...
Hello, Brand new Seraphon & AoS player! I got really into the faction playing Total War 2 and really wanted to get some Dinos onto the table....